dimecres, 22 de gener del 2020

Passat el Nadal!

Punt de llibre de la família Lleó - Vaqué dibuix de Rosa Altés
Nadala de Maria Victòria i Emili dibuix de Maria Victòria Canyelles any 1996

Punt de llibre de Miquel Olegario (M.O)
Punt de llibre de Mondopunts
Punt de llibre de Família Oltra- Sagarra dibuix del Monestir de Vallbona

Punt de llibre de Marcapaginasporuntubo
Punt de llibre de Joan i Mercè de Tenerife (Punt de Creu)

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Unknown ha dit...

If you're trying to lose pounds then you need to jump on this totally brand new custom keto meal plan.

To produce this keto diet, certified nutritionists, fitness trainers, and cooks have joined together to produce keto meal plans that are powerful, suitable, money-efficient, and delightful.

Since their first launch in January 2019, hundreds of people have already completely transformed their body and well-being with the benefits a good keto meal plan can give.

Speaking of benefits: in this link, you'll discover 8 scientifically-certified ones provided by the keto meal plan.